Last updated at Mon, 05 Feb 2024 19:29:21 GMT

Meterpreter Testing

This week’s release adds new payload tests to our automated test suite. This is intended to help the team and community members identify issues and behavior discrepancies before changes are made. Payloads run on a variety of different platforms including Windows, Linux, and OS X each of which has multiple Meterpreter implementations available that are now tested to help ensure consistency. This should improve payload stability and make testing easier for community members that are contributing new features to the payloads.

New module content (4)

H2 Web Interface Create Alias RCE

Authors: Nairuz Abulhul, gambler, h00die, and h4ckNinja
Type: Exploit
Pull request: #18226 contributed by h00die
Path: exploits/linux/http/h2_webinterface_rce

Description: This PR adds an exploit against the H2 database's web console. An authenticated user can issue requests to invoke built-in functionality to execute arbitrary code. There is no CVE for this issue.

Maltrail Unauthenticated Command Injection

Authors: Chris Wild and Ege BALCI
Type: Exploit
Pull request: #18280 contributed by EgeBalci
Path: exploits/unix/http/maltrail_rce

Description: This PR adds a module for an unauthenticated RCE vulnerability in Maltrail, a malicious traffic detection system. The module author indicated that this vulnerability does not have a CVE associated with it as the vendor (product team in this case) declined to assign one.

RaspAP Unauthenticated Command Injection

Authors: Ege BALCI and Ismael0x00
Type: Exploit
Pull request: #18263 contributed by EgeBalci
Path: exploits/unix/http/raspap_rce
AttackerKB reference: CVE-2022-39986

Description: This PR adds an unauthenticated command injection module for the RaspAP webgui application.

Greenshot .NET Deserialization Fileformat Exploit

Authors: bwatters-r7 and p4r4bellum
Type: Exploit
Pull request: #18253 contributed by bwatters-r7
Path: exploits/windows/fileformat/greenshot_deserialize_cve_2023_34634
AttackerKB reference: CVE-2023-34634

Description: This PR adds a file-format exploit affecting Greenshot versions 1.3.274 and earlier, including the last stable release,

Enhancements and features (1)

  • #18288 from adfoster-r7 - Adds stability enhancements to Meterpreter payloads. Additionally, this adds a large suite of automated sanity tests to Github Actions that verify OSX/Windows/Linux/Python/Java/PHP Meterpreter payloads work.

Bugs fixed (3)

  • #18275 from adfoster-r7 - Updates the module metadata for the Java reverse_http and reverse_http stagers to be treated as a dynamic payload size, instead of a static/fixed size. This size change can happen as the Java payload contains a user-configurable HTTP callback URL, and combined with the Zip compression present in JAR files - the overall generated payload size can change as a result.
  • #18278 from rorymckinley - Fixes a crash when running the auxiliary/scanner/mysql/mysql_login module against newer versions of MySQL.
  • #18289 from zeroSteiner - Fixes a typo in the exploit/freebsd/http/citrix_formssso_target_rce docs.


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