3 min
Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up 01/31/25
ESC4 Detection
This week, Metasploit’s jheysel-r7 [http://github.com/jheysel-r7] updated the
existing ldap_esc_vulnerable_cert_finder module to include detecting template
objects that can be written to by the authenticated user. This means the module
can now identify instances of ESC4 from the perspective of the account that the
Metasploit operator provided the credentials for. Metasploit has been capable of
exploiting ESC4 for some time, but required users to know which certificate
templates t
11 min
Metasploit 2024 Annual Wrap-Up
Another year has come and gone, and the Metasploit team has taken some time to
review the year’s notable additions. This year saw some great new features
added, Metasploit 6.4 released
and a slew of new modules. We’re grateful to the community members new and old
that have submitted modules and issues this year. The real privilege escalation
was the privilege of working with the contributors and friends we made alo
4 min
Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up 12/13/2024
It’s raining RCEs!
It's the second week of December and the weather forecast announced another
storm of RCEs in Metasploit-Framework land. This weekly release includes RCEs
for Moodle e-Learning platform, Primefaces, WordPress Really Simple SSL and
CyberPanel along with two modules to change password through LDAP and SMB
New module content (7)
Change Password
Author: smashery
Type: Auxiliary
Pull request: #19671 [http://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework/pull/19671]
3 min
Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up 11/22/2024
JetBrains TeamCity Login Scanner
Metasploit added a login scanner for the TeamCity application to enable users to
check for weak credentials. TeamCity has been the subject of multiple ETR
and is a valuable target for attackers.
Targeted DCSync added to Windows Secrets Dump
This week, Metasploit community member smashery [ht
3 min
Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up 10/18/2024
ESC15: EKUwu
AD CS continues to be a popular target for penetration testers and security
practitioners. The latest escalation technique (hence the the ESC in ESC15) was
discovered [http://trustedsec.com/blog/ekuwu-not-just-another-ad-cs-esc] by
Justin Bollinger [http://x.com/bandrel] with details being released just last
week. This latest configuration flaw has common issuance requirements to other
ESC flaws such as requiring no authorized signatures or manager approval.
Additionally, templa
2 min
Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up 09/13/2024
SPIP Modules
This week brings more modules targeting the SPIP publishing platform. SPIP has
gained some attention from Metasploit community contributors recently and has
inspired some PHP payload and encoder improvements.
New module content (2)
SPIP BigUp Plugin Unauthenticated RCE
Authors: Julien Voisin, Laluka, Valentin Lobstein, and Vozec
Type: Exploit
Pull request: #19444 [http://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework/pull/19444]
contributed by Chocapikk [http://github.com/Chocapikk]
3 min
Metasploit Wrap-Up 05/17/2024
LDAP Authentication Improvements
This week, in Metasploit v6.4.9, the team has added multiple improvements for
LDAP related attacks. Two improvements relating to authentication is the new
support for Signing [http://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework/pull/19127]
and Channel Binding [http://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework/pull/19132].
Microsoft has been making changes
4 min
Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up 04/26/24
Rancher Modules
This week, Metasploit community member h00die [http://github.com/h00die] added
the second of two modules targeting Rancher instances. These modules each leak
sensitive information from vulnerable instances of the application which is
intended to manage Kubernetes clusters. These are a great addition to
Metasploit’s coverage for testing Kubernetes environments
Metasploit also released an e
12 min
Metasploit Framework 6.4 Released
Today, Metasploit is pleased to announce the release of Metasploit Framework
6.4. It has been just over a year since the release of version 6.3
and the team has added many new features and improvements since then.
For news reporters, please reach out to press@dcvg-cn.com.
Kerberos Improvements
Metasploit 6.3 included initial support for Kerberos authentication within
Metasploit and was one of the larger features i
5 min
Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up 02/16/2024
New Fetch Payload
It has been almost a year since Metasploit released the new fetch payloads
and since then, 43 of the 79 exploit modules have had support for fetch
payloads. The original payloads supported transferring the second stage over
HTTP, HTTPS and FTP. This week, Metasploit has expanded that protocol support to
include SMB, allowing payloads to be run using rundll3
8 min
Metasploit 2023 Annual Wrap-Up: Dec. 29, 2023
As 2023 winds down, we’re taking another look back at all the changes and
improvements to the Metasploit Framework. This year marked the 20th anniversary
since Metasploit version 1.0 was committed and the project is still actively
maintained and improved thanks to a thriving community.
Version 6.3
Early this year in January, Metasploit version 6.3
was released with a number of improvements for targeting Active Dir
1 min
Metasploit Weekly Wrapup
Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up: Nov. 17, 2023
Possible Web Service Removal
Metasploit has support for running with a local database, or from a remote web
service which can be initialized with msfdb init --component webservice. Future
versions of Metasploit Framework may remove the msfdb remote webservice. Users
that leverage this functionality are invited to react on an issue currently on
GitHub [http://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework/issues/18439] to inform
the maintainers that the feature is used.
New module content (1)
4 min
Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up: Sep. 22, 2023
Improved Ticket Forging
Metasploit’s admin/kerberos/forge_ticket module has been updated to work with
Server 2022. In Windows Server 2022, Microsoft started requiring additional new
PAC elements to be present - the PAC requestor and PAC attributes. The newly
forged tickets will have the necessary elements added automatically based on the
user provided domain SID and user RID. For example:
msf6 auxiliary(admin/kerberos/forge_ticket) > run aes_key=4a52b73cf37ba06cf693c40f352e2f4d2002ef61f6031f649
4 min
Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up: Sep. 15, 2023
Flask Cookies
This week includes two modules related to Flask cookie signatures. One is
specific to Apache Superset where session cookies can be resigned, allowing an
attacker to elevate their privileges and dump the database connection strings.
While adding this functionality, community member h00die
[http://github.com/h00die] also added a module for generically working with the
default session cookies used by Flask. This generic module
2 min
Metasploit Weekly Wrap-Up: Aug. 18, 2023
Meterpreter Testing
This week’s release adds new payload tests to our automated test suite. This is
intended to help the team and community members identify issues and behavior
discrepancies before changes are made. Payloads run on a variety of different
platforms including Windows, Linux, and OS X each of which has multiple
Meterpreter implementations available that are now tested to help ensure
consistency. This should improve payload stability and make testing easier for
community members tha